Well, as I live and breath - it's mykids! Welcome back. We've missed you. Your "baby" has grown to 77 pages and 3075 posts!!! I'm sorry about your mom. It's difficult enough to see them sick but then to have their own meds, or missed meds, cause so much trouble is awful. Hopefully she's back on track and will be feeling better soon.
Hubby is feeling lots better but still tires easily. He can't go back to work until the doctor clears him. His next appointment is Wednesday - one full week after starting the doxycycline.
That snowball fight was too fun! And the cocoa break was heavenly. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Laundry? Two weeks and counting. It's sad when you start using beach towels for your shower because there isn't a single clean bath towel. And I killed my diet too. No exercise or healthy foods for two weeks. I put my fat jeans on today and, mmmmm, they fit just fine.
Time to get back on track. My trainer is going to make me pay for this......
I learned an important lesson these past two weeks. From now on, whenever someone I know becomes the primary caregiver for a person with a serious or long-term illness I will do whatever I can to help them - their laundry or shopping, cleaning, giving them a break to go out and get their hair done or sit for two hours at a movie, have dinner delivered (even if it's just Domino's pizza) - whatever. It's all consuming to take care of someone so sick and there is absolutely no time for anything else. And next time my own butt lands in the hospital I will be a lot more gracious to those who are taking care of me.
Now, I'm off to the laundry room where I suspect I'll be spending the next 48 hours or so.