PTO Today Toolkits
Looking for some expert advice on getting more parents involved, running a PTO or PTA auction, or serving as treasurer? Our toolkits are just what you need! All toolkits and tools are free for PTO Today Plus members. Toolkits can also be purchased individually; check the details page for each guide for a full list of contents, links to download included tools, and pricing and ordering info.
501(c)(3) Toolkit

Incorporating your group, getting an EIN, and filing for tax-exempt status with the IRS, with a step-by-step guide to completing IRS Form 1023-EZ.
Learn MoreStartup Toolkit

How to get organized, from mission statements and bylaws to budgeting, financial controls, and working with staff members.
Learn MorePTO Treasurer’s Toolkit

Tips on smart budgeting, instructions on how to create a treasurer report, a checklist of important monthly tasks, ready-to-use financial forms, and customizable worksheets.
Learn MorePTO Tax Return Toolkit

Overview of annual tasks, instructions for completing annual tax information returns, and completed samples and line-by-line instructions for Form 990-EZ and related schedules, plus guidelines and templates for a volunteer auditor to complete the annual financial review.
Learn MoreSecretary’s Toolkit

This comprehensive guide will help both new and veteran secretaries do their job more effectively and efficiently. It includes duties lists divided by corresponding and recording secretary roles, information on preparing for meetings, writing letters, and communicating with members.
Learn MoreMeeting Toolkit

Everything you need to know to preside over a meeting, from putting together the agenda to the order of business to staying on schedule even when discussion gets heated. Helpful templates and tools for common meeting documents included.
Learn MoreLeader’s Toolkit

Getting organized, getting your group focused, running a successful committee, communicating with parents and other leaders, and more.
Learn MoreParent Involvement Toolkit

Current involvement research, dozens of involvement group program ideas, photocopy-ready involvement letters and forms, a ready-to-personalize involvement survey, customizable tools for your group, and more.
Learn MoreVolunteer & Teacher Appreciation Toolkit

Information on how to make recognition an ongoing effort that will significantly improve the volunteer experience and increase involvement and how to make your staff and teacher appreciation efforts the best they can be.
Learn MoreAuction Toolkit

A complete how-to guide—from selecting a site to securing donations to suggested bids—plus tips for volunteer recruitment and management, ideas for maximizing profit, decoration suggestions, and more.
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