Chairing a Committee: The Basics
How to lead a committee, including getting organized, finding the information you need, and engaging volunteers.

Good Committee Management
Give your committees a good name by making sure they have a clearly defined purpose, then empowering the members to achieve it.

Event Evaluation Checklist
Use this self-assessment checklist to decice whether to change or cancel a parent group event or project.

Committee Chair Year-End Report
End-of-year review worksheet for PTO and PTA committee chairpeople—keep track of what went well, what went wrong, and what to tell the next chairperson.

Committees File Exchange
Procedures, forms, tips, and other tools to help PTO and PTA committee chairpeople lead their committees effectively.

Committee Chair Success Tips
In-depth orientation guide to prepare new (or veteran) commmittee chairpeople for a great year.

Cochair Survival Skills
Working in tandem doesn't have to be difficult. Following a few simple guidelines will help you reap the many benefits of having a partner.

How To Deal With Difficult People
Whiners, Know-It-Alls, and Steamrollers: Strategies to cope with even the most hard-to-take personalities.

Responding to Criticism
To deal with criticism effectively, leave your emotions out of the conversation.

Empowering Committee Chairs
A formal orientation for committee leaders puts veterans and newcomers alike on equal footing, and gets everyone on the same page.

Procedures Book: Your PTO's Instruction Manual
Helpful information and resources to create policies and procedures books for your leaders.