Room Parent by PTO Today
We have another great resource for our community of school volunteers! Room Parent by PTO Today (formerly Homeroom Mom) has all the tips and ideas you need to be an awesome room parent.

Say Thanks With These Awards Just for PTO Leaders
From "The Tough Cookie" to "Budgets Like a Boss", this set of 18 customizable school volunteer awards will add a little fun to your last meeting of the year!

A PTO Leader's Heartfelt Letter on What Volunteering Means
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll relate! Jenny Jackson shares her candid thoughts on what she's observed (and learned) in her time serving on the PTO.

The Benefits of Parent Involvement
You make a difference! Parent involvement is positive for everyone; there’s even research to prove it.

Adjusting to Middle School Involvement
Ways to maintain an active role even after the kids get older.

What Does a Room Parent Do?
Are you thinking about volunteering as a room parent? Find out what to expect and get some helpful pointers from a veteran room mom.

Spread the Word: Parent Involvement Matters
A two-minute video summary of the ways your involvement at school can make a difference.

You Really Do Make a Difference at School
A look at some of the key ways parents make a difference at school, and some specific ways you can help the most.

Involvement Matters: What Parents Should Know
This printable PDF article is a great handout to share with parents about just why their involvement in school makes such a difference.

Participar cuenta: Lo que los padres deben saber
Este artículo imprimible en PDF es un excelente folleto para compartir con los padres con los padres que hablan español sobre por qué su participación en la escuela marca una diferencia tan grande.

Honor Roll: Regina Packard Pitches In, From Preschool to High School
Regina Packard, PTO/Booster Club president at North Chicago Community High School, has been helping out at her children's schools at every grade level for almost 30 years.

Honor Roll: Volunteer Dad John Holt Does It All
John Holt, a committee chair and past president of the Parkside Elementary PTA in LaVale, Md., has directed parking at the fall festival, raised money to build a new playground, and chaired the art appreciation program.