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“How We Support Our School” Template—Fundraising
Customizable sheet to fill in with your fundraising information as a visual representation that lets your school community know where its hard-earned funds are going (and all the good they're doing). (Note: Flyer will print more colorfully than it appears on-screen after download.)
Downloads: 10278 Hot!

Sponsor Request Letter
Editable letter to send to local businesses asking them to sponsor your fun run, jogathon, etc.
Downloads: 46429 Hot!

Spirit Shirt and Magnet Sale Flyer
Order form / flyer for spirit shirt and car magnet.
Downloads: 8647 Hot!

Fundraiser Donation Request Letter
This letter template can be customized to request donations of merchandise for a silent auction or any other type of fundraiser and also explains how the PTO will recognize donors. (See also Event Donation Request Letter.)
Downloads: 194500 Hot!

Event Donation Request Letter
Sample letter asking for a business donation to a fun run event. The letter may be customized for different types of events.
Downloads: 72678 Hot!

Money Count Worksheet and Cash Receipts Form
Do your policies require two signatures when counting the proceeds of a fundraiser? This form has a place for two signatures for the beginning bank, t
Downloads: 24584 Hot!

Thank-You Letter for Business Donors
An editable letter to send to businesses that donate goods or services to your parent group.
Downloads: 5971 Hot!

Walkathon Flyer
Cute and customizable flyer for promoting a Walkathon fundraiser.
Downloads: 5386 Hot!

Jogathon Flyer
Cute and customizable flyer for promoting a Jogathon fundraiser.
Downloads: 2740 Hot!

Fund Run Flyer
Cute and customizable flyer for promoting a Fund Run fundraiser.
Downloads: 3406 Hot!

Color Run Flyer
Cute and customizable flyer for promoting a Color Run fundraiser.
Downloads: 7879 Hot!

Restaurant Night Agreement
If you want to have a fundraiser at a restaurant (some restaurants call it a spirit night) or other dining establishment, use this document so that th
Downloads: 9846 Hot!

General Donation Request Signs for Money Collection Jug
This file contains signs that we attached to a large collection jug and display at every event.
Downloads: 5485 Hot!

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Thank You Letter
"got Spirit?" themed Thank You letter to Merchant for donating services/discounts for the Membership Drive.
Downloads: 4958 Hot!

Membership Drive - Merchant Donation Agreement
This is a "got Spirit?" themed agreement for donation. They donated discounts for a fundraiser type card that was given to members after they signed
Downloads: 3663 Hot!

Membership Drive - Certificate of Appreciation for Merchant Donation
Had Merchants donate services, similar to a Fundraising Card, but instead of selling them as fundraisers, gave them to the PTA Members that signed up
Downloads: 3458 Hot!

Top 10 Reasons to Join PTA Flyer with Graphics
A Membership Form for our Middle School's PTSA; Created in a generic version for PTO Today folks to use, but the File Share system doesn't allow for P
Downloads: 19493 Hot!

Auction Wish List
Post this sheet on your site or distribute as a reference of the type of items that you would love to include in your auction!
Downloads: 11252 Hot!
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