Free Templates

Printables & Canva Templates for Parent Groups

From teacher appreciation and fundraising to PTO planning, check out the most popular printables and Canva templates from PTO Today and our community.

NEW! Free Printable

Get a Free PTO Planner for 2024-2025

Our planner includes 45+ editable pages to help you organize and plan for the school year. Just customize, print, bind, and distribute to your board!


Real (and Honest) Advice for New PTO and PTA Leaders

From remembering your "why" to setting boundaries and communication tips, our community shares their best advice for new PTO and PTA leaders.

Prime Day is July 16 + 17

Must-have Products for PTO and PTA Groups

From portable bulletin boards and mascot costumes to thermal sticker printers (mind blown), here are all the must-have products—plus a few fun splurges—according to our community.

Free Printable

School Volunteer and Officer Questionnaire

Getting to know your new crew is key to making volunteers feel welcome. Our editable questionnaire asks all the important stuff—along with a spot to add your own questions!


A PTO Leader's Heartfelt Letter on What Volunteering Means

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll relate! Jenny Jackson shares her candid thoughts on what she's observed (and learned) in her time serving on the PTO.

Free Calendar

Fun National Holidays and Special Days to Celebrate

From Teacher Appreciation Week to National Rice Krispie Treat Day, here's the ultimate list of special days to celebrate during the 2024-2025 school year.

Elections and Transition

You're Elected! Now What?

An overview of what lies ahead for first-time parent group board members, plus tips for getting off to a strong start in the new year.

Join the PTO Today community. It’s free!

Join the PTO Today Community

Get access to free resources—like expert tips and tools, printables and Canva templates, events, samples for events, and more.

PTO Today Article

Make Planning a Priority Each Spring

Think ahead for fall and get a jump-start on a productive year.

PTO Today Article

Defining the Role of a PTO

What role should your PTO play? That answer will change as the needs of your school community change.

PTO Today Article

Becoming a Great Leader

Even if you have no experience, you can be an effective leader. Just play to your strengths.

PTO Today Article

What I Wish I Knew

We asked our Facebook community what they wish they’d known before becoming a PTO leader. Here’s what they had to say.

Free Leadership Guide
PTO and PTA New Leader Kit

New Leader? No Problem

All the know-how you need to be an effective and successful parent group leader, including tips for managing difficult people.

Topic Page

Officers & Board Resources Page

Everything you need to know and more about serving on your parent group's committees or executive board.


A Year of Great Ideas

Our parent involvement calendar is full of fun ideas and tips for every month of the school year. Use it to help you plan, or follow it event for event!

PTO Today Article

Public Speaking: Overcome the Jitters

Some advance preparation and a few best practices will help your next presentation go smoothly despite any butterflies.

Robert's Rules

Robert's Rules: What You Should Know

Robert's Rules do help you run an effective meeting. And you don't have to know a whole book's worth of details—just a few key concepts.

Finance & Budget

Budget Basics for PTOs

Budgeting makes all of your financial decisions easier. Follow these steps to create a budget for your PTO, even if you’ve never had one before.


How To Write PTO Bylaws

Everything you need to know to write bylaws for your school parent group.


Complete Sample Bylaws

Sample set of PTO bylaws covering a broad range of rules that PTOs typically include—and that we recommend.

Video Series

Video: 8 Habits for Successful PTOs and PTAs

Expert advice and practical tips on how to run a successful PTO or PTA, in a nine-part video keynote by Tim.