PTO 501(c)(3) Toolkit
Our comprehensive guide walks you through all the essential legal steps to make your group a successful independent entity.

501(c)(3) Basics for School Parent Groups
Does your head spin thinking about the IRS and tax-exemption? Our free webinar covers the whats, whys, and hows and answers a ton of frequently asked questions.

Get Your PTO Up and Running
Follow this road map for how to create a successful PTO or PTA. We outline key steps to success, beyond the organizational basics.

How To Incorporate a School PTO
Don’t be intimidated by the process of incorporation! We cover the benefits, information you should know before you start, and the three key steps to follow.

New Leader? No Problem
All the know-how you need to be an effective and successful parent group leader, including tips for managing difficult people.

PTO Leaders Cheat Sheet
Whether you’re a new leader or a seasoned pro, our leaders cheat sheet has answers to almost any “how do we” question you have. Get the advice, information, and tools you need to run a successful group.

Create a Mission Statement
Talking clearly and intentionally about group goals can inspire your PTO and help make decisions to achieve them.

Bylaws/Nonprofit Resources
Articles and tools for understanding your PTO bylaws and becoming a nonprofit group with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Finance & Budget Resources
Tools, tips, and advice on creating a school PTO budget and managing finances from our experts and other parent group leaders.

PTO Startup Toolkit
Our comprehensive guide walks you through all the essential steps to make your group a successful independent entity.

Parent Group Acronym Logo Clip Art
Logos for PTOs, PTCs, HSAs, PTSOs, PTCs, etc., each in several different colors and two designs. These logos have no school name attached, so they can be used by any group!

Planning & Organization Resources
Everything you need to know to get your group organized and running efficiently.

Officers & Board Resources Page
Everything you need to know and more about serving on your parent group's committees or executive board.

501(c)(3) FAQs for Parent Groups
Answers to frequently asked questions about your PTO’s tax-exempt status, 501(c)(3) rules, and other legal topics.

Video: 8 Habits for Successful PTOs and PTAs
Expert advice and practical tips on how to run a successful PTO or PTA, in a nine-part video keynote by Tim.

What's the difference between PTO and PTA? Does it matter? Expert insight on this issue, including how-tos and FAQs on switching from PTA to PTO.

Switching From PTA to PTO
Key steps if your group is planning to change from a PTA to an independent PTO.