Save the Date! Free PTO Today Events
PTO Today offers two ways you can level up your parent group work, for free: in-person events and virtual education sessions.

Quiz: Rate Your Leadership Skills
Take the quiz to see what your strengths are as a leader and determine which skills could use some work.

New Leader? No Problem
All the know-how you need to be an effective and successful parent group leader, including tips for managing difficult people.

Your Toughest Leadership Challenges Tackled
We asked and you told us—here’s what leaders say are the key ways to strengthen leadership skills.

How To Deal With Difficult People
Whiners, Know-It-Alls, and Steamrollers: Strategies to cope with even the most hard-to-take personalities.

Polish Your Delegation Skills
Doing it all yourself leads to burnout—and isn't good for your parent group, either.

Balancing PTO and Personal Life
It can be challenging to find balance. But a little strategy, a little organization, and a lot of support from friends and family go a long way.

Leader's Toolkit
Information on getting organized, getting your group focused, communicating with parents, and more.

Prevent Burnout in Your PTO
Learn how to recognize the signs of burnout in your volunteers, how to eliminate it, and how to keep it from happening again.

Free and Cheap Leadership Resources for PTOs and PTAs
Learn from experts while you’re on the go or scrolling through social media.

From Controversy To Consensus
How you lead your group's decision-making process will make the difference between a harmonious outcome or an acrimonious fight.

Are You a Leader or a Manager?
Good leadership and effective management call for different skills. Depending on the situation, you'll need to decide which of those skills to employ.

Visibility: A Leadership Challenge
You've done the work—do people know about it? Getting your group's name and message out to a wide audience, in the right way, is an essential part of success.

Public Speaking: Overcome the Jitters
Some advance preparation and a few best practices will help your next presentation go smoothly despite any butterflies.

Managing Personality Conflicts
Minimize conflict with insight into how different personality styles work best.

Video: 8 Habits for Successful PTOs and PTAs
Expert advice and practical tips on how to run a successful PTO or PTA, in a nine-part video keynote by Tim.

Video: 6 Reality Checks for PTO and PTA Leaders
Key points for super-involved leaders who want to get parents on their side.

What I Wish I Knew
We asked our Facebook community what they wish they’d known before becoming a PTO leader. Here’s what they had to say.

Building a Leader Network: Help Is All Around You
When you need help and support, ask—you might be surprised at the network right in front of you.

Should You or Shouldn’t You? 10 Questions for Potential Leaders
Are you interested in being a leader? Before you take the plunge, ask yourself these questions.

Help Prepare New Officers for Success
With good planning and communication, you can help ensure a quick and easy leadership transition.

Becoming a Great Leader
Even if you have no experience, you can be an effective leader. Just play to your strengths.

A Key To Avoiding PTO Burnout: Take a Breather
Remembering to give yourself a break is essential to the long-term success of your group.