Must-have Products for PTO and PTA Groups
From portable bulletin boards and mascot costumes to thermal sticker printers (mind blown), here are all the must-have products—plus a few fun splurges—according to our community.

Get a Free PTO Planner for 2024-2025
Our planner includes 45+ editable pages to help you organize and plan for the school year. Just customize, print, bind, and distribute to your board!

Year in Review PTO and PTA Graphic (Canva Template)
A "year in review" graphic is a great visual that shows parents how much your group raised over the course of the year and how funds were (or will be) used.

Fun National Holidays and Special Days to Celebrate
From Teacher Appreciation Week to National Rice Krispie Treat Day, here's the ultimate list of special days to celebrate during the 2024-2025 school year.

We're heading to a city near you!
Meet with top rated fundraising companies, exchange amazing ideas, win huge prizes, and bond with your parent group besties during this one-day event for PTOs and PTAs.

PTO President Checklist
Breaking your work as PTO President into manageable chunks can help you have a successful year. This checklist of tasks will make it easier to accomplish!

Get in on giveaways, free printables, and more
Get access to free resources—like expert tips and tools, printables and Canva templates, events, samples for events, and more.

Organize Your PTO Work
Parent group leaders share their favorite organization tips for order and efficiency.

Marketing Must-Dos for PTOs and PTAs
Eight top ways to promote your group effectively within your school community, plus actionable steps for each one.

How To Set and Reach Group Goals
How you go about setting objectives—and how you communicate them once they're set—plays a key role in your chances for success.

9 Stress-Busting Organization Tips
A little planning and organization now will help you breathe easy the whole year through.

Procedures Book: Your PTO's Instruction Manual
Helpful information and resources to create policies and procedures books for your leaders.

Rules for Keeping PTO and PTA Records
Guidelines for how long you should keep bank statements, meeting minutes, and more.

FAQs: Adapting Your PTO to a New Normal
How groups across the country are adjusting their PTO activities to current circumstances—and how you can, too.

What Your Group Should Be Thinking About (and Planning) Right Now
Don't miss a beat. Get ahead now with these actionable tips, resources, and tools.

Reduce Your PTO Stress
Checking off to dos can sometimes help reduce stress. Scroll through this list for some PTO tasks you might be able to take care of from home.

Create a Mission Statement
Talking clearly and intentionally about group goals can inspire your PTO and help make decisions to achieve them.

PTO Meetings Resources List
What are the best ways to plan and run PTO meetings? We’ve made it easy by compiling this list with links to our best articles and downloadables.

Event Planning for PTOs: Five Steps
How to produce a big event without forgetting the little details.

PTO Today Plus: Free Custom Flyer Service
Free customizable flyers just for your group—just another reason to join PTO Today Plus, our premier parent group community!

A Year of Great Ideas
Our parent involvement calendar is full of fun ideas and tips for every month of the school year. Use it to help you plan, or follow it event for event!

Get Your PTO Up and Running
Follow this road map for how to create a successful PTO or PTA. We outline key steps to success, beyond the organizational basics.