Family Tech Talk: A Free Internet Safety Event for Schools
Help parents at your school learn the risks kids face online.

Fun National Holidays and Special Days to Celebrate
From Teacher Appreciation Week to National Rice Krispie Treat Day, here's the ultimate list of special days to celebrate during the 2024-2025 school year.

What Does a Vice President Do?
The vice president’s role is often the least understood, but the office provides a real opportunity for a motivated PTO leader.

Parent Group Vice President Job Description
An outline of weekly and monthly tasks, characteristics of a good PTO or PTA vice president, and other job requirements.

16 Tips for Executive Board Members
Simple tasks that will make you a better parent group board member.

Chairing a Committee: The Basics
How to lead a committee, including getting organized, finding the information you need, and engaging volunteers.

Video: 6 Reality Checks for PTO and PTA Leaders
Key points for super-involved leaders who want to get parents on their side.

Quiz: Rate Your Leadership Skills
Take the quiz to see what your strengths are as a leader and determine which skills could use some work.

Three Decisionmaking Methods
These processes for reaching a decision can help parent group leaders get past (or avoid) a stalemate.

Balancing PTO and Personal Life
It can be challenging to find balance. But a little strategy, a little organization, and a lot of support from friends and family go a long way.

Public Speaking: Overcome the Jitters
Some advance preparation and a few best practices will help your next presentation go smoothly despite any butterflies.

Leader's Toolkit
Information on getting organized, getting your group focused, communicating with parents, and more.

Quiz: Rate Your Involvement IQ
See how your group's attitudes and practices for building parent involvement measure up.

Build Support for New Ideas
When members resist change, reduce the chance of conflict with patience and understanding.