Printables & Canva Templates for Parent Groups
From teacher appreciation and fundraising to PTO planning, check out the most popular printables and Canva templates from PTO Today and our community.

Family Tech Talk: A Free Internet Safety Event for Schools
Help parents at your school learn the risks kids face online.

PTO Myth Busters Canva Templates
Break the stereotypes parents often have about volunteering or joining the PTO! Post this series of Canva templates on your PTO's social channels to get more parents involved.

Social Media 101 for PTOs and PTAs
Best practices for making the most of social media for your parent group.

Facebook Guidelines Template for PTOs and PTAs
Use and modify our template to help boost your social media presence—and reduce stress.

Facebook: Going Beyond the Basics
The social media site is an ideal place to post meeting reminders and announcements. But it can help your parent group in a variety of other ways, too.

33 Ways To Boost Your School Fundraiser With Social Media
Practical tips for creating effective posts about PTO and PTA fundraisers for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Use Facebook To Promote Your Fundraiser
Creating a Facebook event can help raise awareness of your PTO or PTA fundraiser.

PTO Leaders: How To Use Facebook Live
If you haven't livestreamed your meetings, now's the time. Get our Facebook Live tips so you can broadcast events and meetings from home.

6 Ways To Use Social Media Effectively
Easy tips for maximizing your parent group's social media presence.

Facebook Graphics for School Volunteer Appreciation
Use our Facebook graphics to show volunteers you care.

How To Get Parents Involved on Your Facebook Page
Use our free Facebook graphics and simple tips to start building a bigger Facebook community.

Facebook at Back-to-School Time
The basics of using social media to build involvement, plus seven ideas for back-to-school posts.

Internet Safety Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Our teenage contributor, Nicole Shum, put together a few questions about apps and websites popular with kids right now. Test your own Internet safety smarts!