Reenergize Your PTO or PTA Midyear

If your PTO or PTA is like most, you probably started the year with a burst of energy, eager volunteers, and plans that everyone was enthused about. But by the midyear point, many parent groups stall out a bit.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Midyear is actually a great time to review your progress and renew your momentum for a great year. This guide to reenergizing your parent group midyear includes everything you need to keep your group motivated to carry on with its good work.
Inside the Midyear Guide:
Managing volunteers. Keep your numbers from dwindling with our ideas for showing appreciation, keeping up momentum, and more.
Dealing with low meeting attendance. Meetings aren’t everything, but they’re important—and sometimes simple ways of making them more enticing can inspire more people to show up.
Reviewing your financials. After fall fundraising and the holidays is a good time to have a detailed discussion about your group’s financial performance.
Managing burnout. “Midyear slump” is a common situation, but one that you can overcome. Our tips can help.
Still have questions? Call us at 800-644-3561; we’re here to help.