is it recommended every school year to re-elect the board for the pto
Asked by katiegirl in Elections & Transition
Voting by Email
Our PTO is considering making an amendment to our by-laws to allow for email votes on issues that arise...
Asked by lasnell68 in Bylaws
Can people of the community be PTO members?
We have some people from the community who are always helping and supporting us and attend to all meetings...
Asked by sgongora in Bylaws
Can board members use their personal business to help fundraise at school?
Is it OK for board members to use their personal business to help us fundraise and make a profit at school?...
Asked by in Fundraising
Can meetings be recorded?
Do members have the right to record (digital/audio) the meetings? Can members vote to erase audio recordings...
Asked by in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Board of ed president as PTO president
If one person holds both the office of PTO President and the office of President of the school district's...
Asked by in Officers & Board
Records: How long to keep
I have boxes of stuff from past PTO members all the way back to 1988. How long do I need to keep receipts...
Asked by in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Too many volunteers
Our school is putting together a Classroom Cre group this year. It was going to have 5 parents per grade...
Asked by in Volunteers & Involvement
Removing a president
Can a PTO president be fired or removed from office? If so, how?
Asked by in Officers & Board
Superintendent wants to approve everything
This is my third year as president of our PTO. We have a new superattendant in the board office and I...
Asked by in The Principal