Best way to deal with bounced checks?
Our fundraisers seem to have received more NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks this year than in past years....
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Is It Right For The PTO Meetings To Be Held Only In Spanish?
I Want To Know What Is The Rules Of Being An Officer? My PTO Officers All Speak Only Spanish With The...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Committee Chair Release Forms
Hello. Would it be too over the top to ask our committee chairs to sign a form stating that they will...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Fundraising Problem
Last year, by February, the President stopped going to the meetings. In march, he still organized and...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
is it recommended every school year to re-elect the board for the pto
Asked by katiegirl in Elections & Transition
Voting by Email
Our PTO is considering making an amendment to our by-laws to allow for email votes on issues that arise...
Asked by lasnell68 in Bylaws
Can people of the community be PTO members?
We have some people from the community who are always helping and supporting us and attend to all meetings...
Asked by sgongora in Bylaws
Can board members use their personal business to help fundraise at school?
Is it OK for board members to use their personal business to help us fundraise and make a profit at school?...
Asked by in Fundraising
Can meetings be recorded?
Do members have the right to record (digital/audio) the meetings? Can members vote to erase audio recordings...
Asked by in Meetings & Robert's Rules