Legal to use PTO money for raffle prizes?
Can our PTO use funds for incentives such as gift cards to be raffled off during meetings? Our principal...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Reimburse officers for costly mistakes?
It was revealed recently that last winter, our then-treasurer wrote a $2,500 check from her own account...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
OK to carry funds for “general” expenses?
We expect to hold a school auction in March that will raise $40,000. We have always budgeted our money...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Who is responsible for financial decisions?
An issue has come up in our PTO about advancing money in full for events. I need to know who besides...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Board of education wants financial reports?
I am currently PTO president at a small school. Do you know whether we have to furnish our board of education...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
PTO credit card—good idea or bad?
Our group is trying to decide whether obtaining a credit card would be a good idea. We would use it for...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Pay for one parent’s travel expenses?
A student at our school has been selected to attend a national conference in a few months, and it’s...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
“Sponsor” PTO at a new school?
I am the PTO president in a fairly small town. Our school is splitting because of growth issues and our...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Options for playground fund money if the playground isn’t allowed?
Our parent group collected funds for a playground remodel four or five years ago. After we collected...
Asked by in Finance & Budget
No cash payments for PTO expenses?
I am the treasurer at my school’s PTO, and I have a parent who paid cash for pizza to serve at a dance....
Asked by in Finance & Budget