Collecting Labels etc for fundraising, ideas?
I have suggested that we collect various items, beyond boxtops, to raise funds. It has been shot down...
Asked by finallydoc in Fundraising
Cash Handling Procedures
Does anyone have a good example of cash handling proceudres that they would be willing to share?
Asked by mbachman in Finance & Budget
Administration wants the current PTO to change its name
Our administrator has decided to not support our PTO and actually "unrecognize" our group. They would...
Asked by IFAC in Communications
PTO Funds for Teacher Conferences?
I am on the PTO of a private school. The administrator wants to use funds donated by the PTO to pay...
Asked by abcd in Finance & Budget
How do I create a meeting agenda for our first board meeting?
How do I create a meeting agenda for our first board meeting? This will be my first time as an officer...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Best way to deal with bounced checks?
Our fundraisers seem to have received more NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks this year than in past years....
Asked by in Finance & Budget
Is It Right For The PTO Meetings To Be Held Only In Spanish?
I Want To Know What Is The Rules Of Being An Officer? My PTO Officers All Speak Only Spanish With The...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Committee Chair Release Forms
Hello. Would it be too over the top to ask our committee chairs to sign a form stating that they will...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Fundraising Problem
Last year, by February, the President stopped going to the meetings. In march, he still organized and...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising