Suggestions for fundraising in low income areas
I am new member on an urban PTO in the city of Boston. Due to the large range of family income levels,...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
fundraising and children competing
As a PTA, we are getting feedback from a parent on children not competing for fundraisers. How do we...
Asked by neoleary in Fundraising
PTA vs PTO differences
What is the difference between a PTA and PTO? I am new to all this.
Asked by Mbrunk in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Are there companies that offer free products to use as incentives for elementary school students?
Asked by christina gray in Events, Programs, & Activities
Teachers excluded from meetings
I am a teacher. Recently, our PTO president said they would like to see more teachers participate in...
Asked by in Teachers
Live Auction
What items bring in the most money in your school?
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
production of School Directory
Does anyone have any tips for using the data stored in PTO Manager to create the school directory? I...
Asked by lmhersh in Communications
Meet the canidate
Is it OK for a PTO to host a meet the candidate night for all that are running for Board of Education?
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
How do we change from a PTA to a PTO?
Asked by alocklear in Elections & Transition
president qualifications.
Good morning. I have a question: can the PTO president also be the principal of the school if he is...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws