Am I too involved?
This question might be better for Dear Abby, but my husband and I have actually been getting into fights...
Asked by in Volunteers & Involvement
Restrict programs to dues-paying members?
Is it legal for our PTO to force parents to pay membership dues whether they want to be a member or not?...
Asked by in Volunteers & Involvement
Receipts from teachers for grant spending?
Our group gives out teacher grants throughout the course of the year. Just recently, our new treasurer...
Asked by in Teachers
Teacher strike: PTO’s role?
What is the PTO’s role, if any, during a teacher strike? Can it support the teachers? For instance,...
Asked by in Teachers
Starting a fund for needy students?
We’d like to start a new fund to help students with money for lunch or field trips. The money would...
Asked by in The Principal
Charter school not allowed to have a PTO?
I was told by our principal that our charter school could not start a PTO or name it a PTO. What, if...
Asked by in The Principal
Can someone without kids at the school serve as president?
What is the rule for being a PTO president at a school after your children have graduated? Is this a...
Asked by in Officers & Board
How to recruit a new secretary midterm?
We are in our first year as a PTO at the middle school. Our secretary had to step down and our bylaws...
Asked by in Officers & Board
Overcoming fear of public speaking?
I enjoy serving as PTO president and feel I am really making a difference at our school. My problem is...
Asked by in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Meetings that last forever?
We are a growing PTO group. We have gone from three active members to 10 in five years. Our problem is...
Asked by in Meetings & Robert's Rules