fundraisers per year
Can someone tell me how many fundraisers are permitted under PTO regulations?
Thanks, Ramona from OHIO
Asked by ramona fithen in Events, Programs, & Activities
Online Auction invitations
Has anyone used Evite to invite parents to auction? If so, did you use the Paypal option to allow parents...
Asked by kirslynch in Events, Programs, & Activities
Insurance needed for PTO?
I've been involved in our PTO for 6 years... our new pres is trying to talk us into getting insurance....
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO Membership
Membership - dues are paid and the parent shows up at the meeting, but is not on the PTO board. Does...
Asked by Virg12 in Officers & Board
Projected budget vs. actual budget
Do you have a projected budget or actual budget? Why?
Asked by sub PTC in Finance & Budget
Parent Teacher Acronyms
I've seen PTO, PTA, HSA, PTC and probably a couple others. Do these names imply any variation or are...
Asked by in Nonprofit Status & Organization
we need more parents to help
What is the best way to get parents to come to our meeting, and to let them know that it is ok to speake...
Asked by monique81 in Volunteers & Involvement
bylaw change?
we have 2 co presidents and not one this term, does our bylaws need to be changed to reflect their job...
Asked by eseptomom in Bylaws