I think any leadership experience is what makes this all work whether it's from the military, home, work etcetera. I'm surprised that more women don't consider how important they are as leaders at home...maybe they do but honestly sometimes I watch how folks allow their children to speak to them and I'm shocked that they don't demand more respect. I always thought a great book would be one that focused on mom's and leadership and promoting the development of those skills.
Hubby had to fly to his dad this weekend. His dad's wife had an aneurysm...never good and it is all touch and go right now.
There's so much stuff in recall right now...and then to here that aquafina is tap water...hahahaha. You gotta laugh....d
All these food scares have prompted our family to plan a larger than normal garden next year. We believe if we control how our food is grown and cooked with only having to buy meat products from either local farmers or the meat section not only will our pocket book feel better we will be much heathier from all the hard work and fresh fruits & veggies. I missed the local farmers market today; quite bummed about it - all the crops are starting to come in now. There is always next weekend.
Have a good weekend everyone.
<font size=""1"">We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to do the mediocre."</font> (Uta Hagen)</font></font><br /><br> <br /><br>"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments...
Shawn;134885 wrote:
Check this out -- bottulism?? food recall -- guess the recall has gone WAAAYY to Slow and upwards of 50,000 cans of food included in this recall are still on the grocers stores (especially mom & pop, gas station stores, etc)
YIKES! We've just recovered from the pet food recall! I don't think my family could handle another one! I'm so thankful it looks like we don't buy any of those items!
<img src=images/smilies/wink.gif> <font color="#"Magenta"">what if success really is just getting the laundry to the dryer <b><i>before</i></b> <b>the mold smell</b></font> sets in...
dlf;134833 wrote: sesa--were you a rotary winger? pilot or crew....something about those darn pilots...I was with a unit that had RC-12 fixed wing collectors...and those guys really were the cutest!
Yes-there for flight school in 1995, in the UH-1 (my beautiful puppy curled up at my feet is named after the Huey) then the UH-60... something about the men in uniform... my ex-husband was a pilot and new hubby was crew in various roles... Oddly enough I was flipping channels tonight and saw a special on the military channel (who knew there was such a thing on digital cable) but they were doing a special on Army helicopters and I couldn't help but stop and watch. They must have filmed a good bit of it at Rucker and I saw more than a few faces I remembered from our days there... ha, the sweet memories of my previous life... we live in the civilian world now
I think my job as a military wife is going to help tremendously in my new role with the PTO
<img src=images/smilies/wink.gif> <font color="#"Magenta"">what if success really is just getting the laundry to the dryer <b><i>before</i></b> <b>the mold smell</b></font> sets in...
I've seen and heard 3-6 mo (the Govt has supposedly been revamping the process to make it quicker)
Mine took almost 2 months but I still occassionally do contract work for the US Army
Check this out -- bottulism?? food recall -- guess the recall has gone WAAAYY to Slow and upwards of 50,000 cans of food included in this recall are still on the grocers stores (especially mom & pop, gas station stores, etc)
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
Hey all! Anyone apply for a passport lately? How long of a wait are we talking for renewal? I heard new passports are 3 months but I am just renewing an expired one.
<font size=""1"">We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to do the mediocre."</font> (Uta Hagen)</font></font><br /><br> <br /><br>"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments...