Sitting here wondering when I gained the ability to wake up my husband in the middle of the night with the sound of all my joints and spine cracking as I roll over? Seriously this getting old thing is not all it's cracked up to be.
News report out stated Starbucks is going to raise prices another 9 cents. Obviously all my business coffee meetings have not helped their bottom line.
Here's my vent of the day ~ Not sure about the rest of you but I sure will be able to sleep better once I know why Lindsey acts the way she does ... :eek: Can we please stop all the 'stupidity' news reports!
<font size=""1"">We must overcome the notion that we must be robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to do the mediocre."</font> (Uta Hagen)</font></font><br /><br> <br /><br>"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments...
Just so glad to find out that I'm not the only mean mom that will not let there 10 and 11 year old have a cell phone. Let me share an experience I had the other day. Was going into the mall (I think, had been to several places that day), anyway, there was a group of teens, I'd say 10-12 kids exiting the door as I was entering. Ok, instead of carrying on a conversation with each other, the majority of them had a cell phone to their ear. I about lost it. I'm standing there thinking, this just can't be a good thing. hahaha Also, I have a friend that has tried to encourage her 16 yr old son to actually pick up the phone and SPEAK to someone and he claims he's just not comfortable doing that. But he sends like 15,000 texts a month. Seriously, not an exaggeration. O well, technology. Not so sure about it sometimes. hehehehe Hope everyone has a wonderful school year. Myself and my pres LOVE our new principal. We are almost giddy that we will have a "team" to get things done instead of just spinning our wheels. YES !!!!!
What a great way for you and your son to keep in touch sesa!
The first summer the kids were going to spend at home by themselves we got a pay as you go phone for them to take with them when they went to the pool and park, so they had a means of communication of needed. My daughter then took it as her own once school started(middle school). It really has been a good thing. There have been times when practices have been changed or cancelled or I've been running late for pick ups and we've been able to quickly get hold of each other. She's been really good about not abusing it, so we're pleased.
I feel like cell phones are a tool not a toy(or a status symbol). If your son doesn't have a need for the tool, then it doesn't make sense to spend the money. We haven't purchased one for our 11 year old son yet either. He hasn't needed it.
What a nice story sesa--My 11 year old wants a phone so bad he can taste it and of course he thinks I'm the worst thing in the world for not letting him. But there really is no need...although my hubby and I joke that the only thing different if we had a divorce is that I would have every other weekend to myself...I realize the pain that must happen when that sort of thing actually occurs. We also used to joke about how much life insurance we had on him until 9-11 when he was in the Pentagon....reality sure does bring things home....
I sure hope your summer proceeds well...were you in aviation when you were at Rucker?
GaMom;134609 wrote: Well, one of the kiddo's informed me that he didn't realize he had to change undies every day!! Ok--he is 7 and every morning of school I lay out his clothes--everything from shoes, to undies to belt, etc. But in the summer, they dress themselves unless we are going somewhere nice. So I go to do 8 loads of laundry and realize this kid has only 1 pair of boxers in the mix. I ask him about it and he says he didn't know he was supposed to change everyday (with a pout and the "let's sucker mom look").
I don't know why I am surprised though. This is the kid that tried to take the shampoo out to the pool, so that he "wouldn't have to worry about a bath later". ARGH!! Boys!!!
ROFL I feel so much better to know I am not alone!!! My son is the same way!!
Mine's away at his dad's for the summer and it's killing me! I hated it when my new hubby (we just celebrated 1 year) bought my son a cell phone... it's a little migo phone the kind that only dials 4 pre-programed numbers. But I thought, what 7 year old needs a phone! Since he's been at his dad's house some 2,000 miles away and he calls me at least 4 times a day I love it! He calls me to tell me about a song he heard, or a commercial on the tv, or a cool bug he caught... I love the new phone... He calls to tell me good morning when he gets out of bed and to chat in the middle of the night when he can't sleep... I guess I should ask when he last changed his undies next time he calls!!!
<img src=images/smilies/wink.gif> <font color="#"Magenta"">what if success really is just getting the laundry to the dryer <b><i>before</i></b> <b>the mold smell</b></font> sets in...
CrewChief;130704 wrote: Go for the tiramisu. That way you get your sugar and your caffeine all at once!
We went to visit my brother at Ft. Rucker Friday and Saturday. It was so great to see him. I hadn't been to Ft Rucker since 1st grade - 35 years ago! Nothing's changed..... We had to go through so much to get him off base, including proving that our car was registered and insured. He jokingly reminded us that he's government property now and we have to make sure he doesn't get injured in any way. After we drove all the way to Destin, FL he said, "Oh yeah, I"m really not supposed to go more than 50 miles away from base." Oooops He graduates from AIT on Friday.
It was very cool to see how the community in Enterprise, AL rallied around their high school, the students who were killed in the tornado and their families. Lots of cars had a memorial magnet that was a blue & white paw print with the words, "Never Forget - the EHS 8, 03-01-07. People were wearing pins with photos of the lost students. It was heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time.
I've lived at Ft. Rucker on and off during my adult life. It was so heart breaking to see the destruction. I saw so many familiar places... My friends that are still there said the same things, it was great to see the community bond together.
<img src=images/smilies/wink.gif> <font color="#"Magenta"">what if success really is just getting the laundry to the dryer <b><i>before</i></b> <b>the mold smell</b></font> sets in...