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Tips, Tricks, and Peeves

18 years 4 months ago #104492 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
[img]smile.gif[/img] tip: Make sure to have a pto banner at any events you host or sponsor...advertise!

Peeve: People who promise you they are going to volunteer but then don't! UGH

[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: take lots and lots of pictures, put some in the local proud of the work you do!

Peeve:those know it alls who tell you what you are doing wrong but where are they?

[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: Thank Yous ...Thank Yous...Thank Yous...send thank yous to everyone who helps and that includes meeting attendees.

Peeve: having it rain on block party day!

[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: Follow up on people who attended the first couple meetings and then became a no show, maybe there is a reaosn they stopped coming and it is nice to know that someone notices that you have stopped coming.

Peeve: Having the delivery of your fundraiser product show up three hours late and a half hour before your event!

[img]smile.gif[/img] Send home individual letters to sellers of product to remind them of pickup.

:( PTO magazine not coming out every month!!!!Sorry Tim!

Thats a start!

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
18 years 5 months ago #104491 by volunteermomo3
18 years 5 months ago #104490 by m2gymmom
Replied by m2gymmom on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
tip: remind chairpeople that the committes are there to help, plan, and run the event. keep it positive.

peeve: chairpeople who don't call everybody on the committee list and think they can do what ever they want!!
18 years 5 months ago #104489 by GaMom
Replied by GaMom on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
Peeve :( Special and Title 1 teachers who think they are exempt from helpign in PTO functions. HELLLLLOOOOO--we are helping all and that means you too!!!
18 years 5 months ago #104488 by GaMom
Replied by GaMom on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
Tip [img]smile.gif[/img] when elected into PTO, grow a thick skin. You can not make everyone happy. You do the best that you can do.

Peeve: :( People who think the free food events (like room parent meetings) are an all you an eat buffet.

Tip [img]smile.gif[/img] Have PTO Today on your list of computer favorites. It should be the first peice of information anyone tells you about when concerning PTO stuff!

Peeve :( Principals who ask you for an item and act upset when you want to research prices and get the best deal. For ex. if you ask for a tv, don't say you would prefer it to be bought at xyz store when pdq has it for 150.00 less!!!
18 years 5 months ago #104487 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves

Originally posted by JHB:
Everyone is gearing up for lots of activities and events. I thought it might be fun to brainstorm some tips and "if onlys". Pet peeves (as an attendee) would be good also. I'll list a few to get started.

:cool: Tip: Put your signage HIGH, on the wall behind the tables or use helium balloons as signs.

My wife loves this one

-- unfortunately our kithcen is setup the opposite I'm 6'1 she's 5'2

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
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