[img]smile.gif[/img] tip: Make sure to have a pto banner at any events you host or sponsor...advertise!
Peeve: People who promise you they are going to volunteer but then don't! UGH
[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: take lots and lots of pictures, put some in the local papers...be proud of the work you do!
Peeve:those know it alls who tell you what you are doing wrong but where are they?
[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: Thank Yous ...Thank Yous...Thank Yous...send thank yous to everyone who helps and that includes meeting attendees.
Peeve: having it rain on block party day!
[img]smile.gif[/img] Tip: Follow up on people who attended the first couple meetings and then became a no show, maybe there is a reaosn they stopped coming and it is nice to know that someone notices that you have stopped coming.
Peeve: Having the delivery of your fundraiser product show up three hours late and a half hour before your event!
[img]smile.gif[/img] Send home individual letters to sellers of product to remind them of pickup.

PTO magazine not coming out every month!!!!Sorry Tim!
Thats a start!