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Tips, Tricks, and Peeves

18 years 4 months ago #104510 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
Tip: Dont worry about it- we're all Equal Opportunity Offenders at some point

Tip:This board is a good place to vent- especially PG2

Tip: Dont forget to give yourself a 'Pat on the Back' (Take a breather, rest, break)

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
18 years 4 months ago #104509 by newbpres
Replied by newbpres on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
and by the way I was not in any means putting down anyone who doesn't work. I do apologize if anything I vented about seemed as a slam. I assure I did not intend it towards anyone in anyway. I was just having one of those days when things had perturbed me beyond all senses. I admire anyone who has been blessed with the good fortune to stay at home and still give outside the home. Whether it be work outside the home or work inside the home it all balances to the same IT IS WORK. and it never seems to get done.Again thanks to everyone.God bless.
18 years 4 months ago #104508 by newbpres
Replied by newbpres on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!I have printed out some bylaws from other ptos and pulling ideas from them as well your tips will help tremendously.
18 years 4 months ago #104507 by CrewChief
Tip: Delegate. One person (be it stay-at-home mom, working mom, single parent, etc) can't do it all. If someone expresses a concern about your lack of attention to a particular item simply say, "You know what? You're right. My plate is very full right now and I'm just not giving the bulletin board the attention it deserves. Would you be willing to take care of it this month? Great! Thanks tons!!!"

Trick: Along with by-laws, write a Policies and Procedures manual. Among them, outline the professional behavior that's expected by the officers and members. While in the building they may become privy to confidential information. Volunteers should be held to the same standards as paid staff. If you hear this 'gossiping' cut the person off and say you're sure they didn't intend to betray confidentiality rights of staff and students and that, as PTO Officers, it's important to uphold the strictest standards.

Tip: Include "removal of officer/member" clauses in your by-laws.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
18 years 4 months ago #104506 by newbpres
Replied by newbpres on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
These tips and peeves are really great I am learning so much. I am also learning that even though my PTO may have problems and that yes it is taking over my entire life that thank God I am not alone!!!!It is so nice to just have a place of comfort for advice, gripes and help. This has helped me to keep it together a little better. Thank you everyone! Question what is a pickle shot? When you do little things around the school like the bulletin board in the main lobby or provide a place for pictures from a school function to be displayed should you attach from PTO or done by PTO on these areas or not?
PEEVE: officers who bug the president daily and more times than one about things like bulletin boards, mail, when are you going to come volunteer so I can be here (and babysit you, you moron), and when are we going to do another fundraiser, another dance, another blah blah. Then that same person goes around telling how lazy the president is and how they don't know what they are doing.When the president works full time daily, has three kids, and all of their events and functions to attend while this person does not work at all.!!
PEEVE: when an officer of the PTO chooses to use their position to nose in the staff and school system's business then gossip it all over town. Not to mention when you have two of them telling stories about THINGS they've seen or heard while they are on the school grounds with teachers and staff walking in and out of a rather public room.

I apologize for the long peeves I just needed to vent. One other thing I am wondering about is if any of you have dealt with people like this how did you handle it? We do not have any by-laws at this time however I am working on a set to present at our Oct. meeting or should that be done solely with officers only? Can the President officially ask for another officer's resignation?
18 years 4 months ago #104505 by CrewChief
Good ones, Lucella! Here's a Tip just for you:

Tip: When time sensitive material is in the mailboxes, ask the principal to send out a faculty wide email or IM and/or include in morning or afternoon announcements. (Have you ever seen some teacher's desks? Land of the Lost....) ;)

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
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