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Tips, Tricks, and Peeves

18 years 4 months ago #104504 by writermom
On the same note as Lucella'a peeve: Teachers who do not turn stuff into the office that parents have sent in, especially MONEY!

Tip: If you need help getting materials from office to parents and vice versa, ASK!
18 years 4 months ago #104503 by Lucella
Peeve: When teachers don't check their mailboxes for over a week

Tip: Deliver time sensitive info that needs to be sent home w/kids directly to their desks.
18 years 4 months ago #104502 by dillons5
Replied by dillons5 on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
These are great ideas, everyone!
I can't think of any now, seems they've all been listed but I'll keep trying to think of some more tips.
I'm definately going to write some of these down to give to my board members. Sort of an unofficial "rules to go by".
Thanks for all the advice!
18 years 4 months ago #104501 by ScottMom#1
Peeve: A principal that runs your budget into the ground because she thinks the PTO is her account to dictate and no one else will stand up to her and make her follow the rules.

Tip: Don't introduce yourself to the PTO President and in the next breath tell them what they have been doing wrong, especially when you can't take the time to volunteer your time.

Tip: When taking a PTO position, expect it to take over your life, your house, and all your free time.

Tip: Make tshirts for chairs or coordinators of big events so people know who they need to go to without asking or looking for a sign.

Tip: When the going gets tough, stick to your guns, eventually the other person will get tired of arguing with someone who is right and willing to back it up.

Pevee: Fundraising chairs that pick a specific fundraiser but won't let their children sell anything out of it because it might be junk.

Tip: When doing an early morning or all day event, try to budget a container of Starbucks coffee, even the volunteers that won't drink it will appreciate you trying to fortify them for the chore ahead.

Tip: Smile! When your feet hurt, you're too tired to stand, when you can't make one more hot dog or pickle shot, when everyone is yelling and no one is happy, smile because you know you did your best and it will be the only thing that will keep you sane.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
18 years 4 months ago #104500 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
New one here!
Peeve: People who think they can change the way things are run without asking first...not realizing that some things are set by school administration!!!

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
18 years 4 months ago #104499 by newbpres
Replied by newbpres on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
[img]smile.gif[/img] TIP: Document everything and make extra copies to have for backups.

:confused: PEEVE: Fundraisers and those thousand and one catalogs of "my fundraising idea is best" "PICK ME PICK ME" as if I have all day to look through catalogs.
:mad: PEEVE: When the old president and officers choose to step down and take on another office. Then go behind your back saying how you know nothing when they won't offer any suggestions or help.
:rolleyes: PEEVE: The fact that no one keeps records of events and the pros or cons of those events. Just a place to start would be nice.
;) TIP: If possible introduce yourself and officers to everyone at meetings. Shaking hands and kissing babies gets the attention of otherwise uncomfortable attendees. (Hey that's how the Presidents makes it, Haha)
:D TIP:If you are a new officer to the PTO meet with as many if not all of the teachers and staff so they can have a face to go with a name. It makes a great impression as well.
:( PEEVE: People who you think you can trust to have your back to find out they are only stabbing you in it.
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