[img]smile.gif[/img] TIP: Document everything and make extra copies to have for backups.
:confused: PEEVE: Fundraisers and those thousand and one catalogs of "my fundraising idea is best" "PICK ME PICK ME" as if I have all day to look through catalogs.

PEEVE: When the old president and officers choose to step down and take on another office. Then go behind your back saying how you know nothing when they won't offer any suggestions or help.

PEEVE: The fact that no one keeps records of events and the pros or cons of those events. Just a place to start would be nice.

TIP: If possible introduce yourself and officers to everyone at meetings. Shaking hands and kissing babies gets the attention of otherwise uncomfortable attendees. (Hey that's how the Presidents makes it, Haha)

TIP:If you are a new officer to the PTO meet with as many if not all of the teachers and staff so they can have a face to go with a name. It makes a great impression as well.

PEEVE: People who you think you can trust to have your back to find out they are only stabbing you in it.