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Tips, Tricks, and Peeves

18 years 3 months ago #104516 by biddiroo
Replied by biddiroo on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
PEEVE: Board members who, after they are elected, do NOTHING!
18 years 4 months ago #104515 by QueenBee
Replied by QueenBee on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
Tip- Use the music stands, set on top of the tables, to tape signs to. Also, laminate the signs (without the date/prices) and then write the dates or prices on can write on/wipe off next year.

Tip- Keep a plastic box handy (front office?) supplies...tape, scissors, name tags, pens, markers, stapler, etc. etc. Mark everything PTO, and try to make everything one color (red). This is a lifesaver at events.

Tip- Keep the cash box change-ready with about $50-$75 of change at ALL TIMES in the school vault. This keeps people from actually having to count coins (for the most part) and you never have to rush out to get change at the last minute for an event. Note the set amount that is to be left in the box on the inside of the lid. Keep supplies (calculator, envelopeds, rubber bands, reciept book, pen, etc.) under the change drawer. We've found an extra money bag is very handy as well.

Tip-Make a list of all of your main PTO players (chairs, board members, etc.) and their children's name and class. We laminated the list, and put one in the PTO mailbox so that we can all know what teacher to send home 'bookbag mail' through. Most of our parents don't get in often enough to check the mailbox anyway.

Tip- Make a limited edition/personalized T-shirt for the main players who pull of the big events. This makes them feel really great and special...almost celebrity status! (Queen of the Food Court, Queen Mother of the Fall Festival, etc) [img]smile.gif[/img] )

Tip- buy a small (8.5x11) heat laminator and the thick lamination pouches. We've used it to laminate nice name badges for our room parents/officers/volunteers. It has more than paid for itself, as we offer to laminate car-rider signs and also make school backpack (luggage) tags that we sell for $1.00 each at Meet the Teacher Night.
18 years 4 months ago #104514 by ScottMom#1
Tip: When new members are so overzealous they make you want to scream, instead use their energy to refresh yourself and try to remember how you felt your first meeting. Then make sure to give them some responsibilites so they can use their enthusiasm.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
18 years 4 months ago #104513 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Tips, Tricks, and Peeves
Scott mom....boy can I relate to a couple of them! You mean as President we can't change the school lunch times ourselves! ha ha ha...UGH

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
18 years 4 months ago #104512 by ScottMom#1
A pickle shot is made by taking the leftover juice from that huge jar of pickles bought to sell at the carnival and poured into 1-2 oz dixie cups. Cover with foil, stick a toothpick in, and freeze.

Peeve: Parents who have been at the school 5 years, have never been involved, come to one meeting, and all of the sudden, they know everything there is to know about fundraising and don't want to listen to the person who's been working on it for the last 4 years.

Tip: Let staff know when you are available outside of meeting times for PTO based questions or how they can contact you with questions so they don't bombard you when you have a strict schedule and are trying to get things do.

Peeve: People who refuse to understand that the President does not have final say and that most big changes have to be voted on.

Tip: If you want to change how or why something is done, figure out how it got started and by who. Then gauge the feeling of members about changing it.

Tip: Do not take criticism or people not accepting your ideas as personal. I've been working at changing some things for 6 years and this is the first year (with most of the same people) that the majority finally thought it was a good idea.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
18 years 4 months ago #104511 by ademom74
Tip: Do your best to negotiate difficult situations face to face or by phone. Follow up with confirming e-mail so that there is written documenation of who said what and who agreed with what.

Tip: ALWAYS debrief after an event. Ask all key players to attend and do brain dump. Go over what went right, what went wrong and what needs to be changed for next year. Write it all down, including 'that great clowns phone number' and ' how many pizzas should be delivered each hour'. Save in folder on computer easily filed so you know where it is.

Tip: Women never really leave their high school mentality behind. There are always cliques and backbiting and other general nuisances. Just smile and deal. No one ever regrets taking the high road.

Peeve: Volunteerzilla who takes on too much, comes through at barely the 11th hour and who constantly has to tell you how hard they work.
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