Tip: write a handbook, how to manual so if you're ever hit by a truck, the show can still go on
Tip: back up everything in your computer so if your computer crashes, it will not be the end of PTO as we all know it
Tip: read all the past PTO minutes, this will help you know how to run a meeting, what events the school has done in the past, what was successful, what the budget was like, etc...
Tip: network with other schools and see what they are doing, go to their events and see how they run things
Tip: have every chairperson do a Lessons Learned within a week of their events. infos are still fresh in your brain and this will help the next person know what worked and what didn't work.
Tip: use words that give parents ownership: Our PTO, OUR kids, OUR school, OUR PTO FAMILY, not: THE PTO, THE school
give parents ownership, give them a voice, let them vote.
Tip: flattery goes a long way....."wow, what great ideas" "thank you for your insight!", you're so passionate to our school and our kids....you are making such a huge difference for our kids....
Tip: communicate, communicate, communicate: PTO newsletters, post minutes, agendas, budgets, send mass emails, communicate with your teachers through your principals, communicate to your PTO chairs and tell them what a great job they are doing.
Tip: put on thick skin, don't gossip, never let others know problems with your executive boards....smile like your normal dysfunctional family!
Tip: set a budget, stay within budget
Tip: send out thank you notes or emails to new faces at your PTO meetings
Tip: feed people at your meetings, if you feed them, they will come!
Tip: don't get upset if people don't come to your meetings, be happy if they buy a yearbook, buy a t-shirt, go to the dance, donate a dish, etc.... they are still supporting in other ways.
Tip: treat others how you would like to be treated and appreciated.
Tip: delegate, delegate, delegate or you will lose your mind....don't try to micro manage, not everyone will do things the same way as you would but at least someone else is doing it!
Tip: take the higher road, always
Tip: no matter how things might not always go as planned, be happy that anyone volunteered at all!
Peeve: people that talk behind your back! we're not in high school anymore, grow up!
Tip: if you don't like something....get involved and make a positive change!
Tip: don't feel obligated to stay on or do it all....PTO did exist before you
wow.... this sure was therapeutic for me!