Goodbye speech?
PTO Today has given me all the tools I need to get our next group ready to take over for me, but I think...
Asked by in Elections & Transition
Working with immigrant parents?
My PTO has very little parent involvement. Half the group consists of teachers, but they don’t feel...
Asked by in Communications
How to be heard at a disorderly meeting?
I had several issues to discuss at our last PTO meeting. The principal ran the meeting and no one followed...
Asked by in Communications
PTO website managed by district?
Our PTO is trying to close the communication gap at school. We want to create a website with an online...
Asked by in Communications
Newsletters: Send them how often?
I’d like our corresponding secretary to send out newsletters more frequently. This would be a huge...
Asked by in Communications
Teacher photos on the website?
I am PTO president and also the webmaster for our school. I recently updated our teacher contact page...
Asked by in Communications
How to get members to read email newsletter?
We recently made our membership aware that we were going paperless to the extent that we could. Email...
Asked by in Communications
Help! Our district was sued
Our school district has recently been involved with a lawsuit involving a nationwide group called Child...
Asked by in Communications
How do we revise our bylaws?
At our last PTO meeting, we decided we wanted to make a few changes to our bylaws. How do we go about...
Asked by in Bylaws
School levy: Can we take sides?
Our school district is going to put a levy on the May ballot. Our PTO president is telling certain board...
Asked by in Nonprofit Status & Organization