haning troubble with a rule line
we are looking for someone who can help us a C.P.A. with voting in of a new officer for our bored that...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
what are the rules for a cake walk
Need to know the rules and get a diagram for the walk
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
voting - a little more info
I want to give a little more information on my previous qustion about voting. We voted by a show of hands...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
when can you start a PTO
My school is a PTA right now, but we want to be a PTO. Can we do this in the middle of the year?
Asked by Davenport in Finance & Budget
Presidents role
We are a new school this is the first year of begin open. We have elected a board but are not sure what...
Asked by NicHSE in Officers & Board
PTO Votes
We sent home ballots to vote in a new treasurer. Our principal did not allow the PTO to count or see...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
need ideas for parent invovlement activities
hi everyone i am a family liaison with the cleveland school district and i need ideas for activities...
Asked by gabbymar216 in Events, Programs, & Activities
board duties
what is the specific role of each board member?
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Do you have to go through the board about everyting?
Do you have to go through the board for everything or can the president make decision on their oun
Asked by Anonymous in Leadership