Playground fundraising goals too big?
This is my first year as president. We’re trying to put in a $40,000 playground this year. We have...
Asked by in Fundraising
Interest-free loan in exchange for control of fundraising?
We don’t have a playground. A parent wants one now and is willing to lend us the money interest-free...
Asked by in Fundraising
Cheat sheet on motions and Robert's Rules?
I am new to the PTO board this year but noticed last year that many of the parents were turned off because...
Asked by in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Can board members have personal stake in product fundraisers?
Is it OK for board members to use their personal business to help us fundraise and make a profit at...
Asked by in Fundraising
Do we owe taxes on money raised at school?
I was told that if we hold a function at the school and end up making more than $100 at the event, it...
Asked by in Fundraising
PTO leaders won't let me get involved!
I’ve met with the PTO officers. I’ve emailed the president about volunteering. I’ve made it quite...
Asked by in Volunteers & Involvement
Get absentee board member to resign?
We have an events coordinator on our board who does not communicate or actively contribute to our group....
Asked by in Officers & Board
Add a new school to our PTO?
Our school district recently added a new charter school for grades preK-2. The charter school is housed...
Asked by in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Middle school involvement: What's it like?
I’m a new member to the PTO this coming year and I’ve never experienced the “middle school mindset”...
Asked by in Volunteers & Involvement
Other accounting softwares for PTO's?
What accounting software are you using & do you like it?
Asked by smlchi in Finance & Budget