Appropriate Forum
Can PTO be used to discuss safety issues, parental concerns and etc?
Asked by Kateal in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Budget Presentation
Our Treasurer faithfully presents a spreadsheet of numbers every month. Projected, actual, and activity...
Asked by Topeka Dad in Finance & Budget
Mass Form PC
I am completing the Ma Form PC filing for the first time. Does anyone know if Item D. line 5 "Fundraising...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Attorney Generals Office
Is it necessary for a PTO to register w/the Attorney Generals' Office? We are a 501 (c) (3) and have...
Asked by Dighton PTO in Nonprofit Status & Organization
New inexperienced PTO vice-president.
On my first PTO meeting I was selected VP. The last VP was not returning calls of attending meetings....
Asked by mel.dailey in Elections & Transition
Choosing Chairpeople
I am the President of a large PTO. Someone volunteered to chair one of our fundraisers and I said yes....
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Food Preparation
We would like to have a salsa cook off during our fall festival. Our school has guidelines that all...
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
Duel Signatures
Is it typical to have a "limit" on the requirement for duel check signing? For example, our budget is...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
publishing budget on website?
Is there any reason why we should not post our budget on our website? We have the ability to post if...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Role of the board of the school
We are a small private school. The PTO does not have 501c3 and has been using the school. Does using...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board