Conflict of interest?
Is it a conflict of interest to have the same board members in the PTA and PTO during the transition...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
power of president
need to knnow if the presideent of the pto has the power to chang bbylaws and make decisions without...
Asked by kizo in Leadership
PTO treasurer files
How long should the PTO treasurer files be kept?
Asked by PamelaSue in Finance & Budget
Insufficient Funds check & parents will not return phone calls.
Can anyone offer advice on how to handle an insufficient funds check and a family that will not return...
Asked by casachi in Finance & Budget
Can anyone recomment a good event/financial/volunteer software or app?
Is anyone using some software or application that gives multiple committee chairs the ability to communicate...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Unhappy with our PTO President!
Our president has expressed in a parent involvement get together that he subscribes to porn, and has...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Teacher as PTO president?
Does a classroom teacher becoming the president of the PTO cause a conflict of interest even if he is...
Asked by in Teachers
Advice on soliciting yearbook ads?
Our PTO is currently putting together our annual yearbook, and we are at a loss about how to ask for...
Asked by in Fundraising