PTO Issues
We have no bylaws, but we have officers who run the PTO. However, these officers do not recruit or engage...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
do you have any inexpensive ideas for Christmas gifts for teachers etc..?
any ideas on Teacher Christmas gifts also for principal, kitchen staff, bus drivers and custodial staff?
Asked by bge mom in Teachers
Joining our PTO Board?
Do new parents need to wait until the following year to run for officers?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Conflict of Interest? board of education and PTO president
Can a parent be a Board of Education member and also the President at our PTO?
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Board of Ed vs PTO Officer
Can a member of the Board of Education also be our president in our school PTO?
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Problem with the PTO fundraising
who can I talk to if I have a complain about the PTO president at my children elementary school?
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
Problem with the PTO fandraising
How can I talke to about a complain?
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Completing Ma form PC
Our pto holds a "special event" Christmas Marketplace/fundraiser. How are we supposed to record the cost...
Asked by OCCT in Nonprofit Status & Organization
PTO Offering Discounts To Children of it legal, fair?
My child is attending a new school. I recently attended a PTO meeting. I found out that last year the...
Asked by VolMom in Bylaws