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page two......

16 years 5 months ago #145304 by FoxMom
Replied by FoxMom on topic RE: page two......
The cool whip is great!!! went fantastic on my bit size brownie and glass of wine.... it's a wine night here-- placing girl scouts in troops and boys in cub scout dens--- boy this plate is overflowing with duties--- have to figure out how to juggle everything this year--- that might be my new career after this-- juggling that is!
Only 2 days until Friday !!!! Yea!!!! Need a girls night out or just a day at the spa-- always to put things right---
16 years 5 months ago #145291 by rnbowmom
Replied by rnbowmom on topic RE: page two......
thank you for the warm welcome!!! It is good to be able to talk to people that are going threw the same things that I experience every day. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better.:p:D
16 years 5 months ago #145277 by LUVMYKIDS
Replied by LUVMYKIDS on topic RE: page two......
CC, good for you!!!! It drives me insane to sit in a meeting where no one can make a decision.

I haven't tried the Cool Whip in a can yet. My hubby and the kids like Reddi-Whip, so they will probably love it. I'm an old-fashioned real whipped cream kind of gal. I'm hungry for pumpkin pie.

Principal got a big chuckle out of me this morning-so glad I could make his day-I was collecting the LATE fundraiser packets and listening to the tales of woe from some of these kids. When they all left the office I said, "I won't be volunteering for this job next year." He thought that was funny too!! I guess I was getting a little taste of what he deals with all day with middle school kids. Maybe I should bake him a pumpkin pie......

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
16 years 5 months ago #145268 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
Whoa--you go CC...when in charge take charge. Just watch out for hand grenades :). Welcome piper and rn...So I've been working on my blog site. Of course I'll let you all know when the site is ready for prime time. These things can become like love affairs (well at least what I suspect a love affair would be like at MY age). I think about it all time, feel really good when I'm with it, love the way it looks and keep an eye on who's visiting it just to make sure I feel safe :).
5th grader brought home some interesting work yesterday. Word association and I realized how much things have changed. He had no clue what word went with "cup and ___________" or "pins and ___________"....I drink from a mug and if something pops a button I buy a new one. My, my how things have changed. Wait a minute--I feel a blog coming on.

16 years 5 months ago #145260 by CrewChief
Replied by CrewChief on topic RE: page two......
rnbowmom, your niece is lucky to have you! My friend's daughter is struggling with spelling. The teacher gave her a website that's a companion to her spelling lessons. The students who benefit from extra work can access the website to play games and activities related to the week's spelling words.

Big news - you can now buy Cool Whip in an aerosol can. Well, that's big news in my world anyway! :p

So, I did a very unpresidential thing today. I threw all of my years of training out the window and did everything wrong. My group in my communications class met for the third time today. We were supposed to elect a leader and co-leader then assign tasks to the group members. Nobody was doing what they were supposed to be doing and this project is 20% of our grade! So I simply stated, "OK. I'm going to be leader of this group because a leader is someone who will take charge. I'm taking charge. If anyone wants to be leader instead of me speak up now or we're moving on." The guy next to me said, "I already don't like the way things are headed." So I told him, "That's fine. You can be the leader if you want to." He didn't want to. So I appointed him co-leader. Within 5 minutes we had the rest of the tasks assigned and we're ready to start our project. No Robert's Rules on this team. CC's rules..... I read the project outline. There are only five reasons why a member can be voted off the team. So far I haven't done any of those things so they're stuck with me. :cool:

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
16 years 5 months ago #145248 by piperl
Replied by piperl on topic RE: page two......
Hang in there, the fact that she has an adult in her life that is involved and concerned already gives her a boost. Coming from the mother of an 8 yr old daughter with Asperger's I know it can be frustrating to see a child you love struggle. Are there interests or areas that she is strong in or enjoys? We try to draw on those to help our daughter in the areas where she is weaker or not interested.
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