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page two......

16 years 3 months ago #145552 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
Hey in VA Nascar is a sport....followed by many, many every that counts. Just not the sort of thing for a junior rec league I guess. How's Arizona--I love it out there. Spent about 2 years a while ago and then went back to visit about 4 years ago. It is growing sooooo fast out there...
Anybody watch the debates. Biden/Palin will be interesting in a sort of train wreck way I think.
16 years 3 months ago #145551 by Lori in Arizona
Replied by Lori in Arizona on topic RE: page two...... almost seven year old had "sports day" where they were supposed to wear something with some kind of sport on it....

we looked thru his t's and found the ONLY closest thing we could get to a "sport" was a t with ATV's on it...lolol....

I went out the same day and got him something with football on it and something with soccer on it....lolololol...i feel so lame!

my hubby is into nascar not football so we dont watch much sports on tv and the only racing t's he had were from the cars movie and I just didn't think that'd count!! hahahhaha
16 years 3 months ago #145505 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: page two......
My 8 year old is in football--not sure who loves it more-him or dad. I do HATE seeing them get hit like that though. yuk...

Happy B-day vmom.
16 years 3 months ago #145501 by LUVMYKIDS
Replied by LUVMYKIDS on topic RE: page two......
Oh volunteermom, have I been there, done that with the football. My son had a wonderful coach a few years ago that taught him to use his speed to his advantage against the big guys. Typically they are slower to come out of their stance, so if you jump quick and hit them high, they tumble right over backwards. He has also learned some very fancy footwork, so he does some awesome spin moves right around these guys. It is amazing how you can encounter a team that is freakishly larger than your boys. There was one team in the Y league that was always that way. We parents theorized that they may have been in 6th grade but they had been there for 3 years!

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
16 years 3 months ago #145495 by volunteermomo3
Replied by volunteermomo3 on topic RE: page two......
Yes, my 13 year old can always be relied on for a good laugh.

8th grade football last night was terrible! Now, after two years of middle school football, I am used to seeing my son tumbled around and taken to the ground. Last night, was another thing... Amazing how you can travel a whole 10 miles down the road and play these, HUGE, (no offense please!) corn feed farm boys who look like they were given a healthy dose of steroids. Were they REALLY 8th graders??? My goodness!

At one point son was playing corner back??? and I have a picture of him and the kid on the other team standing there facing each other. Showed the pic to my sister today and she said "NO WAY!". Yes way. The kid was a good head taller and easily twice as heavy. Now, my kid is only about 5'8 and 120 lbs. He really tried his best, but every time, his little body just flew backwards in the air and made a crash landing on the field. I do believe that our blockers (pardon the lack of correct terms) basically just stopped blocking in the first quarter and basically just stepped aside and let the other team through. Son usually plays running back and every time he or our other running back got the ball, they took about three steps and was nail to the ground. It was just plain sad. Our team was undefeated until last night. Usually he is always one of the last kids out of the locker room after a game or practice. Last night, we waited 20 minutes, kids keep leaving, he's no where. Finally, barely moving, he emerges from the locker room. Stupid me asks what took so long. He replied rather perturbed "I'm sorry, I was just trampled out there, I hurt my hip, my back is raw from the kids face mask ramming into my back, nuckles busted up, but I'm sorry it took me so long!"

Note to self, DON'T ever ask that question again.

Tonight I set here enjoying the quiet of the evening. Tonight my son was practicing "Happy Birthday" on his trumpet and informed me that he and his sisters are going to play/sing for me in the morning. Tonight he baked my birthday cake, and I really can not wait until tomorrow night for a piece. Chocolate! My favorite!

Have a great evening all!
16 years 3 months ago #145494 by volunteermomo3
Replied by volunteermomo3 on topic RE: page two......
Yes, my 13 year old can always be relied on for a good laugh.

8th grade football last night was terrible! Now, after two years of middle school football, I am used to seeing my son tumbled around and taken to the ground. Last night, was another thing... Amazing how you can travel a whole 10 miles down the road and play these, HUGE, (no offense please!) corn feed farm boys who look like they were given a healthy dose of steroids. Were they REALLY 8th graders??? My goodness!

At one point son was playing corner back??? and I have a picture of him and the kid on the other team standing there facing each other. Showed the pic to my sister today and she said "NO WAY!". Yes way. The kid was a good head taller and easily twice as heavy. Now, my kid is only about 5'8 and 120 lbs. He really tried his best, but every time, his little body just flew backwards in the air and made a crash landing on the field. I do believe that our blockers (pardon the lack of correct terms) basically just stopped blocking in the first quarter and basically just stepped aside and let the other team through. Son usually plays running back and every time he or our other running back got the ball, they took about three steps and was nail to the ground. It was just plain sad. Our team was undefeated until last night. Usually he is always one of the last kids out of the locker room after a game or practice. Last night, we waited 20 minutes, kids keep leaving, he's no where. Finally, barely moving, he emerges from the locker room. Stupid me asks what took so long. He replied rather perturbed "I'm sorry, I was just trampled out there, I hurt my hip, my back is raw from the kids face mask ramming into my back, nuckles busted up, but I'm sorry it took me so long!"

Note to self, DON'T ever ask that question again.
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