Shawn;130454 wrote: (and tells her Grandfather.. who has a butter thing.. ie No butter in or on anything --but not for health or cholesterol resons)
LOL...And I thought my husband was the only one with a "butter thing". I swear, I have to bake and cook when he's not around or throw the butter in quick when he walks out of the kitchen 'cause if he sees it he kind of gets scared or something. Now, keep in mind, no cholesterol, blood pressure, health issues. Just - a "thing". Butter, mayonnaise, creamy dressings. But, I keep him heavily stocked in BBQ sauce!
I finally got a chance to catch up on two. I'm not going to get into the topic of the last few pages too much, kids are only 9 and 7, but I will say thank you to all for tips for the people like me who need all the info/ideas we can get for the soon to come pre-teen and teen years!! Many good points made.

The snow is on it's way back. Hopefully just for a couple days. I'm almost ready for Easter. Got a new recipe but won't post until after I actually make it this weekend (lots of brushed on melted butter - ha ha!). Italian Easter Pie...