ANY excuse for a glass of merlot is a good excuse to me
. Great day--someone said I was a good Soccer Coach today--MAN that made me feel good. Since I am SO out of my box (non athlete etc) and to hear that well I'm a goof ball.
Sorry about the darn grill Silver. We don't do propane so I don't have a clue what the temp is when we put anything on. But I do know that 180 is NOT fixed. Maybe pour him a glass as well
. Saturdays are fun simply because you can relish Sundays when EVERYONE is exhausted and looking to sit outside, watch a tree grow or come inside and veg on the couch. Frankly in our world--that is a good day. I may have to do laundry your quotes too!!!!
Hubby just came down and gasped at the fact I'm on the computer...I love wedded bliss...
Have a great, peaceful, spirit filled Sunday...I have to cook a turkey cause our last fundraiser so many folks didn't pick up I had to defrost our food to keep their's cold...ahahahahaha (tomorrow we're having 2 more turkeys)