We have done a Boo Hoo breakfast for the past 3 years. We send out a post card inviting parents to come and it's tied in with orientation so they are there anyway. We also use the Welcome sign idea found on this website this year where we put a sign in each kindergartners yard. We attached a note telling them to return the signs at orientation for a surprise so we could recycle the signs for the next year (got almost 100% back). We served simple finger foods with coffee, juice and milk for the little ones, and we had tables set up telling about what PTO does and inviting them to get involved. The president introduces the board and chairs for upcoming events as well as the principals and as a result, there is a lot of mingling and volunteer sign up. We didn't do a sit down because we couldn't use the cafeteria because it was being used, so we had stadium style seating...no need or centerpieces.
We had our first boo hoo breakfast this year, we didn't have very many parents show up
I personally handed out invitations on Kindergarten open house which the Tuesday before school starts. Is it better to have the breakfast closer to the kindergarten classroom? I would love to have it again, but if was a flop this year need advice!!!!
Considering this for next year, sounds like a wonderful idea. Could someone please send me the poem to give out with the tissues and Hershey's kisses. Thanks so much!