Senior Awards Night
The PTO has been ask to provide Dinner for Senior Awards Night, last minute. Being this is last minute...
Asked by TMHS20132014 in Volunteers & Involvement
President acting as Treasurer
We currently have a president who is also serving as our treasurer (even though we have a voted member...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
What can I do about a PTO that made it impossible for new members?
The PTO has changed the bylaws so that when their two year term expires they can just switch positions...
Asked by kini in Bylaws
family members holding positions on Executive Board
Does anyone know what the rule is on having 2 family members holding positions on an Executive Board...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
How to decide what expenditures to vote on?
We usually have a membership vote for many of our expenses. How do we decide which items to actually...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Voted new person to be next VP of Membership& later was told by school staf...
We had our annual election meeting last week and 1 person new came to the meeting besides the President,...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Lost 501c3 and are having to file 1120. Can we even deduct school funding a...
As a new Treasurer, I discovered we had lost our 501c3 3 years ago and have filed the 1023 and all the...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Qualifications for Nominees
What do you do when someone is nominated for an office on the PTO Board but they are not a good member...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Bad Nomination for Board
How do we tell someone they cannot run for the PTO board?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Why become a PTO non-profit outside the school umbrella?
Currently our PTO is connected to the school. We have line item in the budget. The money is 2nd counted...
Asked by seekanswers in Nonprofit Status & Organization