Who Should Decide How Funds Are Spent?
I am the president of our school's parent association. I've only been in the position for a year and...
Asked by frcspie in Finance & Budget
Business proposal....
I'm told I need a business proposal for our new agency (in progress)... Where an I find a person to...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
501c3, branching out...need another EIN?
So, I have a non profit 501c3 (church) wanting to branch out and open a foster care licensing agency....can...
Asked by UFF in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Form 1023 PartVI
Looking for a sample of how another PTO organization DESCRIBED their "activities" after answering "YES"...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Special Committee Limitations
We recently created a special committee to rewrite our Constitution. After vote, a member (one who tends...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
PTO Officers minimum number
How many people do you HAVE to have to run a PTO?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
School drop box
Our school district auditor just told us we can't have a mail/dropbox on campus. Also we can't have...
Asked by Wamugirl in Communications
Compensating Event Chairs
Does anyone compensate their major event chair people with payment or tuition discounts?
Asked by kellodge in Events, Programs, & Activities
Does a PTO have to have bylaws? If they do not what are the consequences?
If a PTO does not have bylaws or valid bylaws what are the consequences of not having them? What are...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Current PTO officer refuses to provide bylaws to members. What are the opt...
The current PTO President has been asked several times by various members for a copy of the PTO bylaws...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws