Startup kit
How long does it take for the Startup Kit to arrive in the mail?
Asked by LRoss in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Can a PTO have non profit status without being tax exempt?
Our PTO completed the tax exempt documents and non profit back in 2008. Since that time they have never...
Asked by CockrillPTO in Finance & Budget
Social Life Skills
Are there any parents who have daughters between the ages of (11-15) years of age who would like to see...
Asked by rjliteracy in Events, Programs, & Activities
Principal in Nominating Committee?
Our principal currently serves in the nominating committee..i find this to be a conflict..Is it typical...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Feedback from outgoing board members
Hi there! I have been in our school board for a couple of years and will be the president this fall....
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Removal of Officer before term begins
Our by-laws are clear on how to remove a standing officer. There is no mention how to remove an elected...
Asked by amook in Elections & Transition
Removal of Officer Pro Tem
How do you remove an officer that has been elected for the following year, before their term begins?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
IRS Form 1023
This question was asked 6 years ago, and fits our situation exactly. I posted what they ended up doing...
Asked by big5 in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Kid Chore Fundraiser
Has anyone used the Kid Chore Fundraiser listed on this website? I think it sounds awesome (especially...
Asked by kimme94 in Fundraising
Disneyland donations
Does Disneyland or any other amusement park offer any deals that a PTO organization can raffle off during...
Asked by Joey1482 in Fundraising