Question: Popcorn vs something else?

Our school currently has a popcorn day once a month. There has been some feedback that maybe we should do something different. Any suggestions? I'm at a complete lose as to what to change it to.

Asked by cgwife07



Community Advice

jillgarrison writes:
A school my kids attended did Popcorn and Pickles days..... maybe just adding something that starts with a P would work?

Community Advice

NauPTO writes:
How about making it a Monthly Sweet or Salty Day? Every week it would be a different Sweet or Salty Product. Popcorn, Italian Ice, Roasted Peanuts (if no major peanut allergies), soft-baked salted pretzels, cotton candy, liquorice, etc. If you are trying to keep it healthy, then the cotton candy is out, but the rest are still fairly healthy. You can replace it with watermelon or something equally sweet yet healthy. Good Luck!

Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Hi cgwife07,
We posted your question on Facebook and received dozens of responses!  Hopefully, you'll find some helpful suggestions on this Facebook thread.

Also, several community members pointed out that it is worth checking with your school district to see new snack guidelines. We recently posted an article about these changes that are starting in the 2014-2015 school year. You may find this helpful: How Will Chaging School Food Rules Affect PTOs
Good luck!
Rose C.

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