We've done class projects for years...5th Grade always does a class poster. I scan each self-portrait, upload the art to artscow.com and make a collage poster. One is auctioned off and one is given to the school...
4th grade usually also does self-portraits. I'll color xerox the art (either enlarging or reducing the size) and mod podge on to mirrors.
Other years, we've mod podged bird houses, ceramic planters, clip boards, storage boxes, tissue boxes, adirondack chairs, stools, , and toy boxes. Basically, just check out the unfinished wood items at AC Moore or Michaels' for ideas.
Some years, each individual class has done a project, but I found that if I did a larger project per grade, I made more money. (If only one parent from class came to the auction, they got the class project at a steal!)
I'm running my 6th auction this year and have found this sight so helpful! I wish I found it long ago! Does anyone have any suggestions for class gifts for auction. We've done platters in the past that the whole class signs (about 125 kids). They go over well, but when you have the same parents there year after year - how many platters do you really need? I would welcome any feedback. Thanks so much!
Oriental Trading sent us a gift certificate last year - we bundled it with a cake gift certificate from a local bakery, a toy store gift certificate, and a grocery store card. Tied it up with some balloons and it made a great birthday party theme basket!
Special needs auction letter
12 years 1 week ago#162543by Special needs auction letter
Special needs auction for school. - God Bless you, my brother has aspergers as well as a child in my daughters pre-K class. I know first hand how difficult it can be to get the things/services you need (and be able to retain them) for your loved one. If you send me your email address I will send you my "Auction Letter" that I send to donors. I also have a donation receipt I can send you, if you so incline. Beware that many national places will not donate to an individual, so be careful on how you word things in your requests.