Also I ordered some "free" celebrity photos from celebritymerchdotcom It says it is free but then in the order confimation it says shipping to be determined. Anyone receive anything from them and if so do they charge for shipping?
I've used Nashville wraps as well but if u have a wholesale flower company in ur area like us, they normally sell such products to u as long as u have a tax letter from state/irs-thats what we do now!
Also has anyone found a place to order 3part or tripilicate auction bidding sheets that were 8x11 or so?
These are all the companies I have received "YES" from:
Calico County
Baldknobbers Jamboree
Butterfly Palace
Grand Country Music Hall
General Mills
Neil Diamond Tribute
John Lescroat
Silver Dollar City
All American Fitness
Veterans Memorial Museum
Grand Plaza Hotel
Andys Custard
Stampin Up
IMAX Branson
Showboat Branson Belle
Eleanor Brown
Debbie Dadey
Janet Evanovich
Laurie Berkner Band
Broadway Comedy Club
Debbie Macomber
Resort Quest
Blue Rhino
Altec Lansing
I have more requests out there..just waiting to hear from them
Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by Rose H. Reason: Adjust list
Kathy, We sent a letter home explaining that along with our local business donations, we were making gift baskets that each grade had a theme. I gave each grade a theme and at the bottom put a little sentence about if parents wanted to donate something from their business to email me. We were able to make 6 really nice baskets but some parents just sent in stuff. We got a gift card from a mom that owned a jumpy castle business, from a parent that worked at a local gym, plus a free photo session and photograph from a parent with a photo studio. Also a dad sent me a certificate for a foursome at the golf club he manages. We also had a family that owned a mini-golf place locally that gave us a certificate.
Some of the places we had success with which would be different for every town....