CC- I prefer humor anyday, especially before Christmas. I'm too serious for my own good.
Shawn- I mentioned this to my husband and within 5 minutes my 3 kids brought me about 10 cans of silly string and I have no idea where it came from. Sometimes I think alot of our problems could be solved so much better whan put to our children.
Ga- I had an old version of office and it only holds 1 item in it's clipboard and you can't see it. I got a newer version and it makes my clipboard pop up when I cut or copy. As for only printing certain pages, you can go under "file" and select "print" and about halfway down the box, under "print range", are the options for printing all pages, the current page, or selecting pages by number. If that's not what you were asking, I know I have a clipboard button in my new version, it's an icon in the tabs at the top of the document and it looks like a clipboard. You can always try clicking the help button and asking the program to help you. I will always help finish the tequila!
I am 1 adult and 2 kids away from being done shopping. Praise the Lord.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I have a quick question for anyone who may know the answer. All semster long, when I pull up a document that doesn't say OPEN, SAVE, or CANCEL in the little box that comes up, it comes up in some other screen, which is fine when I can print it straight out. However, sometimes, I just want parts of it and try to copy it and it will say copy to clipboard. WHERE IS THE CLIPBOARD??????
i have copied stuff for 3 months and can't find it and it doesn't seem to be in word or wordperfect (we have both).
Any one have a clue as to what I am talking about. Nowhere do i see a clipboard button, or the wordclipboard, other than when i copy stiff to it.
I am so technologically challenged it just isn't even funny at this point.
i am going to introduce myself to Mr Cuervo. Anyone want to join??
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
Not what I'd wnat to see or have Santa on him
That was FUNNY!!!!! :eek: :eek:
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...