kwtorres, how did you raise that much money. Give us your input. We are waiting on pins & needles. We are a school of 700 pk-5 and we only raise about 13K per year. Everyone else needing playground equip have you tried any corporate sponsors that is willing to match funds.
We barely got our new playground 6K just a piece added on to what we already had. We still could use more.
That's amazing!!! We are a school of 300, mainly low income, 1/4 speak Spanish, little to no parental involvement. We usually average $5000 a year in fundraisers. This year we are wanting to add playground equipment. How in the world were you able to generate so much money?????????
KWTORRES- Please tell me how in the world did you raise $70,000. We are also fundraiseing for our playground, I would love some input!! Thanks [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img]
Just a note on parent involvement that is not visible... Last year our school raised over $70,000 in fundraising with 250 kids. We are a public school and it is our second year since inception. I was distressed when people on the playground committee (our big push) said, "We're the only ones working on it." I feel there was tremendous parental support by participating and donating to the many events we put in place to raise the funds. ALL these parents helped make the playground a reality, even though they may never have attended a meeting. We honestly didn't need a bunch of chiefs, just a few.
I'm not a PTO President, but I am a volunteer coordinator for my sons school. I am so glad to see that our school is not the only school who has a hard time getting volunteers. Our school busses children from another part of our city and we /I have a hard time getting parents to volounteer. I have tried everything to get involvement, But everytime I come up with an idea, our PTO pres and principal shoot it down. They either say we've done that already or it won't work. I feel I am a one woman advocate for our PTO. We are now trying sign ups at enrollment that doesn't look like it is going to work either.HELP!!!!!!!!!!
any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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