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Are forms/flyers created by PTO member copyrighted?

17 years 9 months ago #132698 by Shawn

As to pictures someone takes (they are actually copyrighted AND intellectual property as soon as said person takes them- ie All my PTA/PTO, school pictures I've taken ARE copyrighted to ME only)

That said, registering copyright is a good method of having irrefutable proof that the photos are yours. This is an excellent idea if you have plans of selling your work as individual or a whole, especially if you have printed material as for the web, if you put "Copyright & copy Your Name (or business name)" then it is recognized through most international agreements. (You must have both the word and symbol on your photos, not just your site.)

However that is only the case with those contries who have signed with international copyright regulations (laws) and may not apply to those places which do not recogized the international copyright agreement.
(Inherently the originator of the idea (written or photograph) has copyright)

The "poor man's copyright" is to snail mail a copy of the photos or written text to yourself. Once you receive it do not open it the post office stamped date is what you require for "proof". If by chance you need to defend yourself against a copyright infringement case then you can have a Judge of the case open the said envelope. But this is not 100% recognized and does not guarantee your copyrights.

Just remember for every photo or group of photos you want officially copyrighted you must refile with the Gov and pay that fee everytime. It can get quite expenisve for just personal photos.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
17 years 9 months ago #132687 by deemariemcp
Thanks for all your comments
I was just curious about the copyright and the law and it did bug me majorly that she responded in that manner.

The good news is we found someone just today that has stepped up and agreed to create/edit all the bizzillion flyers and newletters !!.

So, we are moving on and like some said, success is the best revenge!!
17 years 9 months ago #132683 by Rockne

WFS;132673 wrote: If she can't produce the paperwork that proves her copywright, then you are legally entitled to it. .

Just FYI -- I don't think this is a legally correct analysis.


PTO Today Founder
17 years 9 months ago #132673 by WFS
If she can't produce the paperwork that proves her copywright, then you are legally entitled to it. Undoubtedly, she is just trying to make this as difficult as possible for all involved. So find someone that can recreate these forms on your program and go forward with using them. If she legally owns them (highly doubt it) she can sue.
If you don't have a parent, try calling your local High School to see if the computer teacher or student can help you out.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 9 months ago #132666 by LUVMYKIDS
Publisher isn't that hard. It even has wizards to help you design what ever type of item you need. If you can find someone with the software, a little computer savvy, and a little time, hand them the flyer from your previous year and they can probably duplicate it in no time. Of course, you'll want to change some wording and info to make it up to date and even better! Goodness, to think I could have been making money selling all the forms, brochures and flyers I have shared through all these years just by claiming them as mine and copyrighted!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
17 years 9 months ago #132662 by beignets
we once had a parent that insisted all pictures they took at school were copyrigthed, and they went to the legal people at school about it!
these types of parents do exist.

i agree with the other great ideas, dont even bother to try to use 'her' flyer.
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