Does anyone webcast their PTO Meetings?
I am wondering if other PTOs webcast their meetings? Our PTO Executive Committee is brainstorming to...
Asked by kellymichaelian in Communications
Vendor for Rope Twist Bracelets
Wondering if anyone has had experience dealing with 'ThreadsU' that was a vendor at the 2013 PTO Expo?...
Asked by jennileeweiss in Fundraising
President's Report
What information does the president share in the President's Report at our monthly meeting?
Asked by Nita B in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Financials in Meeting Minutes
We post our meeting minutes on our school's website.
We often have financial information (balances,...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Fundraising night sales tracking
I know there has to be an easier way and more thorough, to track door sales, bake sales and auction sales...
Asked by ocdnewbie in Fundraising
My president emailed secretary duties and some of her suggested templates for creating minutes. I can't...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Bylaws reference policies
We cannot locate our bylaws and are writing new ones. We already have policies in place for financial...
Asked by de233 in Bylaws
Conflict of Interest? PTO president and fundraising rep
Our PTO President is an independent consultant with Thirty One. We are scheduled to have a Thirty One...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Parent Boosters USA
We recently switched from PTA to PTO. We successfully incorporated (just received our letter from the...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Our school changed from PTO to GPS. Have you ever heard of this organization or where I can find any...
Asked by Rebecca 6 in Nonprofit Status & Organization