When is a vote needed to amend a budget?
After further discussion with our accountants, we found that the starting balance on the budget for 2013-2014...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Impeaching a president
How do we go about removing the president? Our by-laws state we can remove an officer for no reason with...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Spirit night promotions
We have monthly spirit nights with Marco's pizza and Yogurtopia both give us 20% of the sales and the...
Asked by bevrogers in Fundraising
Charity questions
If your organization has a 501C-3 status are you legally allowed to give some of the monies raised to...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Failing to Accounce the Voting Count
Our new PTO just voted in their bylaws and their new officers. The President won in a landslide. The...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
What does the PTO actually do nowadays?
Besides holding events and asking for money...do you actually work as a laison between parents and teachers?...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Amazon on a PTO website?
Has anyone had success putting the Amazon logo/link on their PTO website, through their 'affiliate' program?...
Asked by revawin in Fundraising
Insurance Costs
About how much do they run? I know we can get it through ptotoday but just want some estimates before...
Asked by Anna1123 in Finance & Budget
Filing Taxes
We are just starting our PTO and are not planning currently to file for 501(c)3 status. Do we need to...
Asked by Anna1123 in Finance & Budget
tax status
How do I obtain a 501c3 status?
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization