PTO membership missing the dues?
I am managing our membership database this year and am missing a few memberships without the dues, how...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Unfiled Taxes
During our recent parent meeting, it was brought up that the group has not filed taxes for a number of...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO Funds
I am PTO President at our very small school- 190 students. For the past two years, we have built up our...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Amending bylaws to add a position
As a board we would like to amend our bylaws to move from "a" parent or guardian representative from...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Volunteer Help
I was just wondering if you have any good advice on getting parents involved. We are a small school...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Borden Cap Program - 2013 Spring Fundraiser
Does anyone have the contact information for them? We have never received our check. Thanks!
Asked by bowman0523 in Fundraising
Eligibility to serve as officer
As a PTO officer at a local school I don't know if I should be. I homeschool my children and don't know...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Box Tops Collection Letter
Does anyone have an example letter to send to middle school parents for collecting Box Tops?
Asked by ccv in Fundraising
No Board Members Reelected/Elected
Our PTO of 5 years had its annual election meeting. No nominations were made so no positioned were filled....
Asked by ridgeladyva in Officers & Board
Executive Board Member Removal
Our executive board unanimously voted to remove a member who was not attending meetings and was not regularly...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition