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Q&A: Communications
PTO Office-No one will call me back
I'm trying to register our school so we can order some toolkits and possibly try the 30 day free Finance...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
I'm the new president of the pto and have spent all day trying to gain access to bylaws that the previous...
Asked by newpres33 in Communications
vice president issues
I'm a newly elected president and am already having problems with my VP trying to take over.last year...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
school board involvement
Does the school board have a say in who or who can't be on the PTO board?
Asked by Char7558 in Communications
Spanish resources
How do I find resourrces in spanish about Bylaws, Commuinication elections, finance and budget, meetings,
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Board Members missing meetings
I am a first year president who has taken over a PTO which only had an acting president and a treasurer...
Asked by rprinty in Communications
New Families Welcome book
I was thinking of making a welcome book for the parents of new students to be handed out every year....
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Is it racisit?????
Hi, ok so I have been volunteering at my daughters' school with our PTO. Our pto president has on more...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
details about school messenger system?
if your school uses school messenger system, can anyone tell me, please what is the actual cost difference...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
PTO Today Magazine
My PTO chair mailbox is in the school's main office. Unfortunately, I have not been receiving the PTO...
Asked by csterpning@yahoo.com in Communications