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Q&A: Communications
PTA to PTO Timeline
We are again considering changing from a PTA to a PTO. I remember seeing a timeline of when things needed...
Asked by bolson61 in Communications
Does anyone webcast their PTO Meetings?
I am wondering if other PTOs webcast their meetings? Our PTO Executive Committee is brainstorming to...
Asked by kellymichaelian in Communications
PTO Funds
I am PTO President at our very small school- 190 students. For the past two years, we have built up our...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
How to get along?
I am currently having some issues with they way things are done in our PTO. I am a fairly new member...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
PTO Manager
I am trying to delete parents from PTO manager, I can't. Please tell me how I can do that. Thanks.
Asked by burpanz in Communications
How do I establish a different organization at the same school?
I am trying to create a group list for the William Milton Elementary School (zip code 30066) that is...
Asked by Davis Foundation in Communications
VP going behind my back to the principal
I'm a new president and we are doing a fundraiser where we are asking local businesses to sponsor the...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
PTO Logos/Digital Identity
Do other PTOs have a certain look/feel to their flyers and communication? I am wondering if it makes...
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Makeover Ideas Needed to Help Organizing our Information Center in Lobby
Our elementary school parent group has a space in the school lobby with a repurposed desk, mail slots...
Asked by BvilleShellie in Communications
how to limit access to PTO supply closet
The key to our supply closet is located in the main office, the problem is teachers are helping themselves...
Asked by newpres33 in Communications